a banner of knitted socks

Click on any picture below to enlarge and click on the question mark below it to send an email about those socks

Get in touch if you have any requests or questions :)         Email instructions are at end of page

This site is up-to-date as of 2025-01-31


NOTE: There's only about 1/4" or 1/2cm between one size and the next. They easily stretch to the next 2 shoe sizes, so
start with your child's shoe size and be assured they'll fit for quite a while before they're passed to the next child.

  $20, sz11

  $20, sz10

  $20, sz10

  $20, kids/women 7

LADY's SMALL(sz 5-7)

  $32, sz7

  $35, sz7n

  $35, sz6

  $35, sz7-8

  $35, sz6

  $32, sz7

  $32, sz7

  $35, sz6

  $35, sz6

  $35, sz7

  $35, sz6.5

  $35, sz7

LADY's MEDIUM(sz 8-10)

  $35, sz10

  $32, sz10

  $35, sz10

  $35, sz9

  $35, sz10

  $35, sz7-8

  $35, sz10

  $35, sz9

  $35, sz9

  $35, sz9

  $35, sz8

  $35, sz8

  $35, sz9

  $35, sz10

  $35, sz10

  $35, sz8-9

  $35, sz9

  $35, sz8

  $35, sz8

  $35, sz8

LADY's LARGE(sz 11-12)

  $35, sz11

LADY's xLARGE(sz 13 & up)

  $35, sz13

  $35, sz13
Need larger? Just ask

MEN's SMALL(sz 6-8)

  $32, sz6

  $35, sz8

  $35, sz8

  $35, sz7

  $35, sz7

MEN's MEDIUM(sz 9-11)

  $35, sz9

  $35, sz9

  $35, sz11

MEN's LARGE(sz 12-13)

  $35, sz12

  $35, sz12

  $35, sz12

  $35, sz13

MEN's EX-LARGE(sz 14 & up)
Just ask for your size
I may have more
of that yarn
Need larger? Just ask

We're on Instagram image to go to instagram and Facebook image to go to facebook Visit anytime and please 'follow' for updates if you wish
Email if you have any questions or comments by clicking:  image to click to email me   Or just email rita@Deckel.ca
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